The Boise Bombers hosted our first scrimmage games with the Portland Pounders July 14th and July 15th at the Fort Boise Community Center. The Portland team brought 4 players with classifications of .5 1.0 1.5 and a female 2.5 so we matched them up with Travis Green, Edgar Simental, and Kevin Falk which are some good unqualified recreation players. Saturday night we played Bombers vs Pounders the first game and got beat pretty bad. The second game we mixed all of the players together. The third game was a low pointer only game. Sunday we played several games against Portland and finally came away with a win on the last game. Over the weekend we got a chance to see how well we all could work together as a team and how many different lineups we could use. It was a lot of fun and we gained a little bit more experience together. The crowd was amazing, we had a packed gym on Saturday night. I don't think there was room for any more people in that gym and the heat was a bit much for some of the players. But in all it was a great event. The Boise Bombers want to thank everyone that came out to support the team and those that helped make it all happen. Click on the game image to see more photos.